The Pediatric Lounge, Where Pediatric Physicians Come to Share Their Stories and Success
A Podcast taking you behind the door of the Physician's Lounge to get a deeper insight into just what docs are talking about today, from the clinically profound to the wonderfully routine...and everything in between.
The Pediatric Lounge, Where Pediatric Physicians Come to Share Their Stories and Success
134 When Medicaid Is Not Enough to Keep The Doors Open in the Peds Office
In today's episode, we're excited to introduce our guest, Dr. Minal Giri. Dr. Giri is a distinguished general pediatrician and the former medical director and owner of Melrose Park Pediatrics. This multilingual practice catered to children from immigrant families in a medically underserved community. After finishing her residency training, Dr. Giri teamed up with her father, Dr. Kundan Giri, a pediatrician who has been serving the area since 1982. They worked together for 15 years until the practice had to close its doors in 2020, amidst the height of the pandemic.
Now, Dr. Giri is associated with PediaTrust, a group of practices serving the northern, northwestern, and western suburbs of Chicago.
Dr. Giri is not just a practicing pediatrician, but also a highly respected leader in the medical community. She is the founder and chair of the Illinois Chapter of the American Academy of Refugee Immigrant Child Health Initiative. Additionally, she is the co-chair of the Midwest Human Rights Consortium, an organization that conducts forensic evaluations to aid asylum seekers in their immigration proceedings.
Nationally recognized for her contributions to immigration and asylum medicine, Dr. Giri serves on the executive committee of the National American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Immigrant Child and Family Health. Join us as we delve into her journey and discuss her valuable work in these critical areas.
00:00 Welcome Back from Sunny Miami: A Snowy D.C. Morning
00:09 Introducing Dr. Minal Giri and the Challenges of Medicaid in Private Practice
01:01 Dr. Giri's Journey: From Childhood Illness to Pediatrician
01:37 A Family Legacy in Medicine: Practicing with Dad
04:12 The Shift to Medicaid and Serving an Underserved Community
04:58 The Struggles with Medicaid Managed Care and Regulation
06:57 The Impact of Technology and Regulation on Small Practices
08:49 Reflecting on the Closure of a Community-Centric Practice
15:18 Navigating the Complexities of Healthcare Payment Systems
24:52 Creative Solutions and the Importance of Patient Communication
27:34 Addressing Mental Health: Beyond the Scope of Primary Care
29:36 Navigating Mental Health Stigma in Pediatric Care
30:28 The Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Practices
30:50 Struggles with Healthcare Systems and Diversity Initiatives
32:37 The Decline of Pediatric Care and Its Consequences
44:28 Challenges and Discrimination Faced by Foreign Medical Graduates
51:55 Rethinking Medical Education and Community Support
55:33 Reflecting on the Future of Healthcare and Closing Thoughts
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The Pediatric Lounge - A Podcast taking you behind the door of the Physician's Lounge to get a deeper insight into what docs are talking about today, from the clinically profound to the wonderfully routine...and everything in between.
The conversations are not intended as medical advice, and the opinions expressed are solely those of the host and guest.