The Pediatric Lounge, Where Pediatric Physicians Come to Share Their Stories and Success
A Podcast taking you behind the door of the Physician's Lounge to get a deeper insight into just what docs are talking about today, from the clinically profound to the wonderfully routine...and everything in between.
The Pediatric Lounge, Where Pediatric Physicians Come to Share Their Stories and Success
116 Meeting kids where they are: School-based care and the future of pediatric primary care Dr. Ryan Padrez
This episode is made possible by a generous grant from Physician Computer Company. Please visit their website: https://www.pcc.com/
For more information on the Pediatric Executive Development System, visit us: https://thepediatriclounge.com/pediatric-development
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About Wellio: Wellio empowers pediatricians and families with accessible, affordable, and high-quality solutions right at their fingertips.
Ryan Padrez, MD, FAAP, is a pediatrician and Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University’s School of Medicine. At Stanford, Ryan is the Co-Director of Community Engagement for the Pediatric Department’s Office of Child Health Equity and Associate Director for Stanford’s new Center on Early Childhood. Ryan is also the Medical Director of The Primary School, a new integrated health and education model that serves low-income children and families in Northern California. The school’s approach integrates primary education and primary care, effectively bridging early education, health, and family support services starting in infancy.
Our Guest Host On Innovation :
Dr. Sabrina Braham is a mother, community pediatrician, and innovator focused on leveraging technology to create better, more accessible care for children and families. Dr. Braham serves on the Pediatric Digital Health Task Force while providing clinical care and teaching trainees at a federally qualified health center, the Gardner Packard Children’s Health Clinic.
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The Pediatric Lounge - A Podcast taking you behind the door of the Physician's Lounge to get a deeper insight into what docs are talking about today, from the clinically profound to the wonderfully routine...and everything in between.
The conversations are not intended as medical advice, and the opinions expressed are solely those of the host and guest.